DIversité - Adaptation - DEveloppement des plantes


Voichek Y, Hurieva B, Michaud C, Schmücker A, Vergara Z, Desvoyes B, Gutierrez C, Nizhynska V, Jaegle B, Borg M, Berger F, Nordborg M, Ingouff M. Cell cycle status of male and female gametes during Arabidopsis reproduction. Plant Physiol., 2023, kiad512, https://doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiad512

Lee SC, Adams DW, Ipsaro JJ, Cahn J, Lynn J, Kim HS, Berube B, Major V, Calarco JP, LeBlanc C, Bhattacharjee S, Ramu U, Grimanelli D, Jacob Y, Voigt P, Joshua-Tor L, Martienssen RA. Chromatin remodling of histone H3 variants by DDM1 underlis epigenetic inheritance of DNA methylation. Cell, 2023 Sep 14;186(19):4100-4116.e15. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.08.001.

Zhang P, Mbodj A, Soundiramourtty A, Llauro C, Ghesquière A, Ingouff M, Slotkin RK, Pontvianne F, Catoni M, Mirouze M. Extrachromosomal circular DNA and structural variants highlight genome instability in Arabidopsis epigenetic mutants. Nat. Commun., 2023, 14, 5236. doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-41023-0

Siena LA, Michaud C, Selles B, Vega JM, Pessino SC, Ingouff M, Ortiz JPA, Leblanc O. TRIMETHYLGUANOSINE SYNTHASE1 mutations decanalize female germline development in Arabidopsis. New Phytol., 2023, 240(2), 597. doi: 10.1111/nph.19179

Ouedraogo I, Lartaud M, Baroux C, Mosca G, Delgado L, Leblanc O, Verdeil JL, Conéjéro G, Autran D. 3D cellular morphometrics of ovule primordium development in Zea mays reveal differential division and growth dynamics specifying megaspore mother cell singleness. Front. Plant Sci., 2023, 14.  www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2023.1174171



Ahmadli U, Kalidass M, Khaitova LC, Fuchs J, Cuacos M, Demidov D, Zuo S, Pecinkova J, Mascher M, Ingouff M, Heckmann S, Houben A, Riha K, Lermontova I. High temperature increases centromere-mediated genome elimination frequency and enhances haploid induction in Arabidopsis. Plant Commun., 2022, 4(3). doi.org/10.1016/j.xplc.2022.100507
Vernet A, Meynard D, Lian Q, Mieulet D, Gibert O, Bissah M, Rivallan R, Autran D, Leblanc O, Meunier AC, Frouin J, Taillebois J, Shankle K, Khanday I, Mercier R, Sundaresan V, Guiderdoni E. High Frequency Synthetic Apomixis in Hybrid Rice. Nat. Commun., 2022, 13, 7963. doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-35679-3
Aubert J, Bellegarde F, Oltehua-Lopez O, Leblanc O, Arteaga-Vazquez MA, Martienssen RA, Grimanelli D. AGO104 is a RdDM effector of paramutation at the maize b1 locus. PLoS ONE, 2022, 17(8). doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0273695
Colono CM, Podio M, Siena LA, Ortiz JPA, Leblanc O, Pessino SC. Spotting the Targets of the Apospory Controller TGS1 in Paspalum notatum. Plants, 2022, 11(15):1929. doi.org/10.3390/plants11151929
Siena LA, Azzaro CA, Podio M, Stein J, Leblanc O, Pessino SC, Ortiz JPA. Down-regulation of the auxin-response repressor IAA30 is associated with apomictic development in Paspalum notatum. Plants, 2022, 11(11), 1472. www.mdpi.com/2223-7747/11/11/1472


Tirot L, Jullien PE, Ingouff M. Evolution of CG Methylation Maintenance Machinery in Plants. Epigenomes 2021, 5, 19. doi.org/10.3390/epigenomes5030019
Meschichi A, Ingouff M, Picart C,Mirouze M, Desset S, Gallardo F, Bystricky K, Picault N, Rosa S, Pontvianne F. ANCHOR, a technical approach to monitor single-copy locus localization in planta. Front. Plant Sci. 2021, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.677849
Parent JS, Cahn J, Herridge RP, Grimanelli D, Martienssen RA. Small RNAs guide histone methylation in Arabidopsis embryos. Genes and Development, 2021, May 20, doi: 10.1101/gad.343871.120
Hernandez-Lagana E, Mosca G, Mendocilla Sato E, Pires N, Frey A, Giraldo-Fonseca A, Grossniklaus U, Hamant O, Godin G, Boudaoud A, Grimanelli D, Autran D, Baroux C. Organ geometry channels reproductive cell fate in the Arabidopsis ovule primordium. eLife, 2021, 10:e66031, doi: 10.7554/eLife.66031
Echenique V, Autran D, Leblanc O. Proceedings of the 7th Series of Seminars on Advances in Apomixis Research. Plants, 2021, 10, 565. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10030565



Ortiz JPA, Pupilli F, Acuña CA, Leblanc O, Pessino SC. How to Become an Apomixis Model: The Multifaceted Case of Paspalum. Genes, 2020, 11: 974. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/genes11090974

Hernandez-Lagana E, Autran D. H3.1 Eviction Marks Female Germline Precursors in Arabidopsis. Plants, 2020, 9: 1322. doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/plants9101322

Grimanelli D, Ingouff M. DNA Methylation Readers in Plants. J. Mol. Biol., 2020, 432: 1706-1717. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2019.12.043

Colono C, Ortiz JPA, Permingeat HR, Souza Canada ED, Siena LA, Spoto N, Galdeano F, Espinoza F, Leblanc O, Pessino SC. A Plant-Specific TGS1 Homolog Influences Gametophyte Development in Sexual Tetraploid Paspalum notatum Ovules. Front. Plant Sci., 2019, doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2019.01566.

Ortiz JPA, Leblanc O, Rohr C, Grisolia M, Siena LA, Podio M, Colono C, Azzaro C, Pessino SC. Small RNA-seq reveals novel regulatory components for apomixis in Paspalum notatum. BMC Genomics, 2019 Jun 13;20(1):487. doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-019-5881-0

Aguilar-Cruz A, Grimanelli D, Haseloff J, Arteaga-Vázquez MA. 2019. DNA methylation in Marchantia polymorpha. New Phytol., 2019, 223(2):575-581. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.15818

Roscoe TJ, Vaissayre V, Paszkiewicz G, Clavijo F, Kelemen Z, Michaud C, Lepiniec L, Dubreucq B, Zhou DX, Devic M. 2019. Regulation of FUSCA3 expression during seed development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol., 2019, 60 (2): 476-487. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/pcp/pcy224

Oltehua-Lopez O, Dorantes-Acosta AE, Ingouff M, Lanciano S, Leblanc O, Grimanelli G, Mirouze M, Arteaga-Vazquez MA. Aspects of Epigenetic Regulation in Cereals. In: Plant Epigenetics Coming of Age for Breeding Applications (eds. Gallusci P, Bucher E, and Mirouze M), , Advances in Botanical Research Series (vol 88). pp. 361-377. Academic Press (London).

Mancini M, Permingeat H, Colono C, Siena L, Pupilli F, Azzaro C, de Alencar Dusi DM, de Campos Carneiro VT, Podio M, Seijo JG, González AM, Felitti SA, Ortiz JPA, Leblanc O, Pessino SC. The MAP3K-Coding QUI-GON JINN (QGJ) Gene Is Essential to the Formation of Unreduced Embryo Sacs in Paspalum. Front Plant Sci., 2018, 9:1547. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01547.

Cailleau A, Grimanelli D, Blanchet E, Cheptou PO, Lenormand T. Dividing a Maternal Pie among Half-Sibs: Genetic Conflicts and the Control of Resource Allocation to Seeds in maize. Am Nat., 2018, 192(5):577-592. doi: 10.1086/699653.

Ikeda Y, Nishihama R, Yamaoka S, Arteaga-Vazquez MA, Aguilar-Cruz A,Grimanelli D, Pogorelcnik R, Martienssen RA, Yamato KT, Kohchi T, Hirayama T, Mathieu O. Loss of CG methylation in Marchantia polymorpha causes disorganization of cell division and reveals unique DNA methylation regulatory mechanisms of non-CG methylation. Plant Cell Physiol., 2018, 59:2421-2431. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcy161.

Selles B, Michaud C, Xiong TC, Leblanc O, Ingouff M. Arabidopsis pollen tube germination and growth depend on the mitochondrial calcium uniporter complex. New Phytol., 2018, doi: 10.1111/nph.15189.

García-Aguilar M, Autran D. Localization of Chromatin Marks in Arabidopsis Early Embryos. Methods Mol Biol., 2018, 1675:419-441. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-7318-7_24.

Ingouff M, Selles B, Michaud C, Vu TM, Berger F, Schorn AJ, Autran D, Van Durme M, Nowack MK, Martienssen RA, Grimanelli D. Live-cell analysis of DNA methylation during sexual reproduction in Arabidopsis reveals context and sex-specific dynamics controlled by noncanonical RdDM. Genes Dev., 2017, 31(1):72-83. doi: 10.1101/gad.289397.116.

Bowman JL, Kohchi T, Yamato KT, Jenkins J, Shu S, Ishizaki K, Yamaoka S, Nishihama R, Nakamura Y, Berger F, Adam C, Aki SS, Althoff F, Araki T, Arteaga-Vazquez MA, Balasubrmanian S, Barry K, Bauer D, Boehm CR, Briginshaw L, Caballero-Perez J, Catarino B, Chen F, Chiyoda S, Chovatia M, Davies KM, Delmans M, Demura T, Dierschke T, Dolan L, Dorantes-Acosta AE, Eklund DM, Florent SN, Flores-Sandoval E, Fujiyama A, Fukuzawa H, Galik B, Grimanelli D, et al. Insights into Land Plant Evolution Garnered from the Marchantia polymorpha Genome. Cell., 2017. 171 :287-304.

Selva JP, Siena L, Rodrigo JM, Garbus I, Zappacosta D, Romero JR, Ortiz JPA, Pessino SC, Leblanc O, Echenique V. Temporal and spatial expression of genes involved in DNA methylation during reproductive development of sexual and apomictic Eragrostis curvula. Sci Rep., 2017, 7(1):15092. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-14898-5.

Ortiz JPA, Revale S, Siena LA, Podio M, Delgado L, Stein J, Leblanc O, Pessino SC. A reference floral transcriptome of sexual and apomictic Paspalum notatum. BMC Genomics, 2017, 18(1):318. doi: 10.1186/s12864-017-3700-z.

Baroux C., Autran D. Chromatin dynamics during cellular differentiation in the female reproductive lineage of flowering plants. Plant J., 2015, 83(1):160-76. doi: 10.1111/tpj.12890.

Errouane K, Doulbeau S, Vaissayre V, Leblanc O, Collin M, Kaid-Harche M,  Dussert S. The embryo and the endosperm contribute equally to argan seed oil yield but confer distinct lipid features to argan oil. Food Chem., 2015, 181:270-6. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.02.112.

Ingouff M. Imaging sexual reproduction in Arabidopsis using fluorescent markers. Methods Mol Biol., 2014, 1112:117-24.  doi: 10.1007/978-1-62703-773-0_8.

She W, Grimanelli D, Baroux C. An efficient method for quantitative,  single-cell analysis of chromatin modification and nuclear architecture in whole-mount ovules in Arabidopsis. J Vis Exp., 2014, 88::e51530. doi:  10.3791/51530.

Siena LA, Ortiz JP, Leblanc O, Pessino S. PnTgs1-like expression during reproductive development supports a role for RNA methyltransferases in the aposporous pathway. BMC Plant Biol., 2014, 14:297. doi: 10.1186/s12870-014-0297-0.

Baroux C, Autran D, Raissig MT, Grimanelli D, Grossniklaus U. Parental contributions to the transcriptome of early plant embryos. Curr Opin Genet Dev., 2013, 23(1):72-4.  doi: 10.1016/j.gde.2013.01.006.

Grimanelli D, Roudier F. Epigenetics and development in plants: green light to convergent innovations. Curr Top Dev Biol., 2013, 104:189-222. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-416027-9.00006-1.

She W, Grimanelli D, Rutowicz K, Whitehead MW, Puzio M, Kotlinski M,  Jerzmanowski A, Baroux C. Chromatin reprogramming during the somatic-to-reproductive cell fate transition in plants. Development, 2013, 140(19):4008-19. doi: 10.1242/dev.095034.

Grimanelli D. Epigenetic regulation of reproductive development and the emergence of apomixis in angiosperms. Curr Opin Plant Biol., 2012, 15(1):57-62. doi: 10.1016/j.pbi.2011.10.002.

Autran D, Baroux C, Raissig MT, Lenormand T, Wittig M, Grob S, Steimer A, Barann M, Klostermeier UC, Leblanc O, Vielle-Calzada JP, Rosenstiel P, Grimanelli D, Grossniklaus U. Maternal epigenetic pathways control parental contributions to Arabidopsis early embryogenesis. Cell, 2011, 145(5):707-19. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2011.04.014

Singh M, Goel S, Meeley RB, Dantec C, Parrinello H, Michaud C, Leblanc O, Grimanelli D. Production of viable gametes without meiosis in maize deficient for an ARGONAUTE protein. Plant Cell, 2011, 23(2):443-58. doi: 10.1105/tpc.110.079020.

Cavel E, Pillot M, Pontier D, Lahmy S, Bies-Etheve N, Vega D, Grimanelli D, Lagrange T. A plant-specific transcription factor IIB-related protein, pBRP2, is involved in endosperm growth control. PLoS One, 2011, 6(2):e17216. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0017216.

Olmedo-Monfil V, Durán-Figueroa N, Arteaga-Vázquez M, Demesa-Arévalo E, Autran D, Grimanelli D, Slotkin RK, Martienssen RA, Vielle-Calzada JP. Control of female gamete formation by a small RNA pathway in Arabidopsis. Nature, 2010, 464(7288):628-32. doi: 10.1038/nature08828.

Garcia-Aguilar M, Michaud C, Leblanc O, Grimanelli D. Inactivation of a DNA methylation pathway in maize reproductive organs results in apomixis-like phenotypes. Plant Cell, 2010, 22(10):3249-67. doi: 10.1105/tpc.109.072181.

Pillot M, Baroux C, Vazquez MA, Autran D, Leblanc O, Vielle-Calzada JP, Grossniklaus U, Grimanelli D. Embryo and endosperm inherit distinct chromatin and transcriptional states from the female gametes in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 2010 Feb;22(2):307-20. doi: 10.1105/tpc.109.071647.

Pillot M, Autran D, Leblanc O, Grimanelli D. A role for CHROMOMETHYLASE3 in mediating transposon and euchromatin silencing during egg cell reprogramming in Arabidopsis. Plant Signal Behav., 2010, 5(10):1167-70.

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