DIversité - Adaptation - DEveloppement des plantes


Journal papers

Chantepie, S., Charmantier, A., Delahaie, B., Adriaensen, F., Matthysen, E., Visser, M. E., Álvarez, E., Barba, E., Orell, M., Sheldon, B., Ivankina, E., Kerimov, A., Lavergne, S., & Teplitsky, C. (2024). Divergence in evolutionary potential of life history traits among wild populations is predicted by differences in climatic conditions. Evolution Letters, 8(1), 29‑42. https://doi.org/10.1093/evlett/qrad067

De La Fuente, C., Grondin, A., Sine, B., Debieu, M., Belin, C., Hajjarpoor, A., Atkinson, J. A., Passot, S., Salson, M., Orjuela, J., Tranchant-Dubreuil, C., Brossier, J.-R., Steffen, M., Morgado, C., Dinh, H. N., Pandey, B. K., Darmau, J., Champion, A., Petitot, A.-S., Barrachina, C., Pratlong, M., Mounier, T., Nakombo-Gbassault, P., Gantet, P., Gangashetty, P., Guedon, Y., Vadez, V., Reichheld, J.-P., Bennett, M. J., Kane, N. A., Guyomarc’h, S., Wells, D. M., Vigouroux, Y., & Laplaze, L. (2024). Glutaredoxin regulation of primary root growth is associated with early drought stress tolerance in pearl millet. eLife, 12, RP86169. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.86169

Lima-Rivera, D., Anell-Mendoza, Ma. B., Rivera-Fernández, A., Salinas-Castro, A., Cerdán, C., López-Lima, D., & Villain, L. (2024). Host status of plants associated to coffee shady agroecosystems to Meloidogyne paranaensis. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protectionhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s41348-024-00882-5

Millet, C. P., Allinne, C., Vi, T., Marraccini, P., Verleysen, L., Couderc, M., Ruttink, T., Zhang, D., Sanchéz, W. S., Tranchant-Dubreuil, C., Jeune, W., & Poncet, V. (2024). Haitian coffee agroforestry systems harbor complex arabica variety mixtures and under-recognized genetic diversity. PLOS ONE, 19(4), e0299493. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0299493 

Poncet, V., Van Asten, P., Millet, C. P., Vaast, P., & Allinne, C. (2024). Which diversification trajectories make coffee farming more sustainable? Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 68, 101432. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2024.101432 

Marie, L., Breitler, J.-C., Bamogo, P. K. A., Bordeaux, M., Lacombe, S., Rios, M., Lebrun, M., Boulanger, R., Lefort, E., Nakamura, S., Motoyoshi, Y., Mieulet, D., Campa, C., Legendre, L., & Bertrand, B. (2024). Combined sensory, volatilome and transcriptome analyses identify a limonene terpene synthase as a major contributor to the characteristic aroma of a Coffea arabica L. specialty coffee. BMC Plant Biology, 24(1), 238. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-024-04890-3 

Salojärvi, J., Rambani, A., Yu, Z., Guyot, R., Strickler, S., Lepelley, M., Wang, C., Rajaraman, S., Rastas, P., Zheng, C., Muñoz, D. S., Meidanis, J., Paschoal, A. R., Bawin, Y., Krabbenhoft, T. J., Wang, Z. Q., Fleck, S. J., Aussel, R., Bellanger, L., Charpagne, A., Fournier, C., Kassam, M., Lefebvre, G., Métairon, S., Moine, D., Rigoreau, M., Stolte, J., Hamon, P., Couturon, E., Tranchant-Dubreuil, C., Mukherjee, M., Lan, T., Engelhardt, J., Stadler, P., Correia De Lemos, S. M., Suzuki, S. I., Sumirat, U., Wai, C. M., Dauchot, N., Orozco-Arias, S., Garavito, A., Kiwuka, C., Musoli, P., Nalukenge, A., Guichoux, E., Reinout, H., Smit, M., Carretero-Paulet, L., Filho, O. G., Braghini, M. T., Padilha, L., Sera, G. H., Ruttink, T., Henry, R., Marraccini, P., Van De Peer, Y., Andrade, A., Domingues, D., Giuliano, G., Mueller, L., Pereira, L. F., Plaisance, S., Poncet, V., Rombauts, S., Sankoff, D., Albert, V. A., Crouzillat, D., De Kochko, A., & Descombes, P. (2024). The genome and population genomics of allopolyploid Coffea arabica reveal the diversification history of modern coffee cultivars. Nature Genetics, 56(4), 721‑731. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-024-01695-w

Nguyen, D. T., Zavadil Kokáš, F., Gonin, M., Lavarenne, J., Colin, M., Gantet, P., & Bergougnoux, V. (2024). Transcriptional changes during crown-root development and emergence in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). BMC Plant Biology, 24(1), 438. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-024-05160-y

Book chapters

Etienne, H., Breitler, J.-C., Brossier, J.-R., Awada, R., Laflaquière, L., Amara, I., & Georget, F. (2024). Coffee somatic embryogenesis: Advances, limitations, and outlook for clonal mass propagation and genetic transformation. In Advances in Botanical Research (p. S0065229624000582). Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.abr.2024.04.008 


Journal papers

Awada, R., Lepelley, M., Breton, D., Charpagne, A., Campa, C., Berry, V., Georget, F., Breitler, J.-C., Leran, S., Djerrab, D., Martinez-Seidel, F., Descombes, P., Crouzillat, D., Bertrand, B., & Etienne, H. (2023). Global transcriptome profiling reveals differential regulatory, metabolic and hormonal networks during somatic embryogenesis in Coffea arabica. BMC Genomics, 24, 19 p. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-022-09098-z

Bertrand, B., Davis, A. P., Maraval, I., Forestier, N., & Mieulet, D. (2023). Potential beverage quality of three wild coffee species (Coffea brevipes, C. congensis and C. stenophylla) and consideration of their agronomic use. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 103(7), 3602‑3612. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.12347

Kahsay, G. A., Turreira-Garcia, N., Ortiz-Gonzalo, D., Georget, F., & Skovmand Bosselmann, A. (2023). New coffee varieties as a climate adaptation strategy : Empirical evidence from Costa Rica. World Development Sustainability, 2, 10 p. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wds.2023.100046

Kellenberger, R. T., Ponraj, U., Delahaie, B., Fattorini, R., Balk, J., Lopez-Gomollon, S., Müller, K. H., Ellis, A. G., & Glover, B. J. (2023). Multiple gene co-options underlie the rapid evolution of sexually deceptive flowers in Gorteria diffusa. Current Biology, 33(8), 1502‑1512. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2023.03.003

Koutouleas, A., Blunt, C., Bregar, A., Hansen, J. K., Ræbild, A., Etienne, H., & Georget, F. (2023a). Effects of interspecific grafting of Coffea arabica and elevation on coffee growth, yield, and quality attributes in Costa Rica. Scientia Horticulturae, 320, 16 p. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2023.112162

Koutouleas, A., Blunt, C., Bregar, A., Hansen, J. K., Ræbild, A., Etienne, H., & Georget, F. (2023b). Plant agronomy, leaf ecophysiology, yield and quality data of interspecific grafted Coffea arabica across an elevation gradient. Data in Brief, 50, 109560. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2023.109560

Medina-Sauza, R. M., Solís-García, I. A., Blouin, M., Villain, L., Guevara, R., Barois, I., & Reverchon, F. (2023). Microniches harbor distinct bacterial communities at the soil-plant-earthworm interface. European Journal of Soil Biology, 118, 103531. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejsobi.2023.103531

Meter, A., Penot, E., Vaast, P., Etienne, H., Ponçon, E., & Bertrand, B. (2023). Local value-chains dedicated to sustainable production (coffee agroforestry business-driven clusters or CaFC) : A new organizational model to foster social and environmental innovations through farm renovation. Open Research Europe, 2, 38 p. https://doi.org/10.12688/openreseurope.14570.2

Sarzynski, T., Bertrand, B., Rigal, C., Marraccini, P., Vaast, P., Georget, F., Campa, C., Abdallah, C., Nguyen, T. Q. C., Nguyen, H. P., Nguyen, H. T. T., Ngoc, Q. L., Ngan, G. K., Viet, T. V., Navarini, L., Lonzarich, V., Bossolasco, L., & Etienne, H. (2023). Genetic-environment interactions and climatic variables effect on bean physical characteristics and chemical composition of Coffea arabica. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 103, 4692‑4703. https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.12544

Vi, T., Vigouroux, Y., Cubry, P., Marraccini, P., Phan, V. H., Khong, N. G., & Poncet, V. (2023). Genome-wide admixture mapping identifies wild ancestry-of-origin segments in cultivated Robusta coffee. Genome Biology and Evolution, 15(5), 12 p. https://doi.org/10.1093/gbe/evad065



Journal papers

Ayadi, M., Chiab, N., Charfeddine, S., Abdelhedi, R., Dabous, A., Talbi, O., Mieulet, D., Guiderdoni, E., Aifa, S., Gargouri-Bouzid, R., & Hanana, M. (2022). Improved growth and tuber quality of transgenic potato plants overexpressing either NHX antiporter, CLC chloride channel, or both. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 189, 45‑58. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2022.07.030

Breitler, J.-C., Etienne, H., Leran, S., Marie, L., & Bertrand, B. (2022). Description of an Arabica coffee ideotype for agroforestry cropping systems : A guideline for breeding more resilient new varieties. Plants, 11(16), 24 p. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants11162133

Casarin, T., Chagas Freitas, N., Terassi Pinto, R., Breitler, J.-C., Zebral Rodrigues, L. A., Marraccini, P., Etienne, H., Cardamone Diniz, L. E., Carvalho Andrade, A., & Vilela Paiva, L. (2022). Multiplex CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout of the phytoene desaturase gene in Coffea canephora. Scientific Reports, 12, 10 p. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-21566-w

de Lourdes Tapia y Figueroa, M., Beraún Tapia, J. F., Hajari, E., Escalona, M., Etienne, H., & Lorenzo, J. C. (2022). Agronomic performances of temporary immersion bioreactor-derived potato microtubers in a Peruvian low input cropping agriculture system. African Journal of Biotechnology, 21(3), 125‑132. https://doi.org/10.5897/AJB2021.17430

Duong, B., Marraccini, P., Etienne, H., Villain, L., Hoang, T. G., Khong, N. G., Lebrun, M., & Duponnois, R. (2022). Potential of the coffee endophytic Bacillus cereus sensu lato strain CCBLR15 to control the plant-parasitic nematode Radopholus duriophilus. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 32(8), 971‑988. https://doi.org/10.1080/09583157.2022.2070600

Gnapi, D. E., N’Da Pokou, D., Legnaté, H., Dapeng, Z., Montagnon, C., Bertrand, B., & N’Guetta, A. S.-P. (2022). Is the genetic integrity of wild Coffea canephora from Ivory Coast threatened by hybridization with introduced coffee trees from Central Africa? Euphytica, 218, 13 p. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-022-03004-0

Gonin, M., Jeong, K., Coudert, Y., Lavarenne, J., Hoang, G. T., Bes, M., To, H. T. M., Thiaw, M.-R. N., Do, T. V., Moukouanga, D., Guyomarc’h, S., Bellande, K., Brossier, J.-R., Parizot, B., Nguyen, H. T., Beeckman, T., Bergougnoux, V., Rouster, J., Sallaud, C., Laplaze, L., Champion, A., & Gantet, P. (2022). CROWN ROOTLESS1 binds DNA with a relaxed specificity and activates OsROP and OsbHLH044 genes involved in crown root formation in rice. Plant Journal, 111(2), 546‑566. https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.15838

Koutouleas, A., Sarzynski, T., Bordeaux, M., Skovmand Bosselmann, A., Campa, C., Etienne, H., Turreira-Garcia, N., Rigal, C., Vaast, P., Cochicho Ramalho, J., Marraccini, P., & Raebild, A. (2022). Shaded-coffee : A nature-based strategy for coffee production under climate change ? A review. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6, 21 p. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2022.877476

Mbebi, A. J., Breitler, J.-C., Bordeaux, M., Sulpice, R., McHale, M., Hao Tong, Toniutti, L., Alonso Castillo, J., Bertrand, B., & Nikoloski, Z. (2022). A comparative analysis of genomic and phenomic predictions of growth-related traits in three-way coffee hybrids. G3 - Genes Genomes Genetics, 12(9), 14 p. https://doi.org/10.1093/g3journal/jkac170

Oliveira de Aquino, S., Kiwuka, C., Tournebize, R., Gain, C., Marraccini, P., Mariac, C., Bethume, K., Couderc, M., Cubry, P., Andrade, A. C., Lepelley, M., Darracq, O., Crouzillat, D., Anten, N. P. R., Musoli, P., Vigouroux, Y., De Kochko, A., Manel, S., François, O., & Poncet, V. (2022). Adaptive potential of Coffea canephora from Uganda in response to climate change. Molecular Ecology, 31(6), 1800‑1819. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.16360

Poignavent, V., Hoh, F., Terral, G., Yang, Y., Gillet, F.-X., Kim, J.-H., Allemand, F., Lacombe, E., Brugidou, C., Cianferani, S., Déméné, H., & Vignols, F. (2022). A Flexible and Original Architecture of Two Unrelated Zinc Fingers Underlies the Role of the Multitask P1 in RYMV Spread. Journal of Molecular Biology, 434(16), 167715. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmb.2022.167715

Vernet, A., Meynard, D., Lian, Q., Mieulet, D., Gibert, O., Bissah, M. N., Rivallan, R., Autran, D., Leblanc, O., Meunier, A. C., Frouin, J., Taillebois, J. E., Shankle, K., Khanday, I., Mercier, R., Sundaresan, V., & Guiderdoni, E. (2022). High-frequency synthetic apomixis in hybrid rice. Nature Communications, 13, 13 p. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-35679-3

Book chapters

Bertrand, B., & Rapidel, B. (2022). Conception de systèmes agroforestiers innovants à base de caféier. In C. J.-L. (ed. ) Atta-Krah Kwesi (ed.) Gascuel Chantal (ed. ), Gitz Vincent (ed. ), Hainzelin Etienne (ed. ), Quintero Marcela (ed. ), Sinclair Fergus L. (ed. ). (Éd.), & CIRAD-BIOS-UMR DIADE - FRA; CIRAD-PERSYST-UMR ABSys - FRA (Trad.), Transformations agroécologiques pour des systèmes alimentaires durables. Panorama de la recherche France-CGIAR (Agritrop : 602632; 1‑26, p. 89‑90). Agropolis International. https://www.agropolis.fr/dossier-agropolis-agroecologie

Vi, T., Marraccini, P., De Kochko, A., Cubry, P., Khong, N. G., & Poncet, V. (2022). Sequencing-based molecular markers for wild and cultivated coffee diversity exploration and crop improvement. In G. P. (ed. ) Ramakrishna Akula (ed.) Jeszka-Skowron Magdalena (ed. ). (eds. ). (Éd.), Coffee science : Biotechnological advances, economics, and health benefits (Agritrop : 602735; p. 213‑220). CRC Press. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003043133-20



Journal papers

Bertrand, B., Villegas Hincapie, A. M., Marie, L., & Breitler, J.-C. (2021). Breeding for the main agricultural farming of Arabica coffee. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5, 15 p. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2021.709901

Couttolenc-Brenis, E., Carrion, G., Villain, L., Ortega-Escalona, F., Mata-Rosas, M., & Méndez-Bravo, A. (2021). Defense response to Hemileia vastatrix in susceptible grafts onto resistant rootstock of Coffea arabica L. Agronomy (Basel), 11, 17 p. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11081621

Davis, A. P., Mieulet, D., Moat, J., Sarmu, D., & Haggar, J. (2021). Arabica-like flavour in a heat-tolerant wild coffee species. Nature Plants, 7, 413‑418. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-021-00891-4

Djerrab, D., Bertrand, B., Breitler, J.-C., Leran, S., Dechamp, E., Campa, C., Barrachina, C., Conejero, G., Etienne, H., & Sulpice, R. (2021). Photoperiod-dependent transcriptional modifications in key metabolic pathways in Coffea arabica. Tree Physiology, 41(2), 302‑316. https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpaa130

Duong, B., Nguyen, X. H., Phan, V. H., Colella, S., Trinh, Q. P., Hoang, T. G., Nguyen, T. T., Marraccini, P., Lebrun, M., & Duponnois, R. (2021). Identification and characterization of Vietnamese coffee bacterial endophytes displaying in vitro antifungal and nematicidal activities. Microbiological Research, 242, 13 p. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micres.2020.126613

Gamboa-Becerra, R., Lopez-Lima, D., Villain, L., Breitler, J.-C., Carrion, G., & Desgarennes, D. (2021). Molecular and environmental triggering factors of pathogenicity of Fusarium oxysporum and F. solani isolates involved in the coffee corky-root disease. Journal of Fungi, 7(4), 23 p. https://doi.org/10.3390/jof7040253

Kiwuka, C., Goudsmit, E., Tournebize, R., Oliveira de Aquino, S., Douma, J. C., Bellanger, L., Crouzillat, D., Stoffelen, P., Sumirat, U., Legnaté, H., Marraccini, P., De Kochko, A., Carvalho Andrade, A., Wasswa Mulumba, J., Musoli, P., Anten, N. P. R., & Poncet, V. (2021). Genetic diversity of native and cultivated Ugandan Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner) : Climate influences, breeding potential and diversity conservation. PloS One, 16(2), 19 p. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0245965

Medina-Sauza, R. M., Álvarez-Jiménez, M., Ortíz-Huerta, Y., Ruiz-Sayago, E., Blouin, M., Villain, L., Guevara, R., Sangabriel, W., Reverchon, F., & Barois, I. (2021). Bulk and rhizosphere soil properties under two Coffea species influenced by the earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus. Rhizosphere, 21, 14 p. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rhisph.2021.100458

Rimlinger, A., Avana, M.-L., Awono, A., Chakocha, A., Gakwavu, A., Lemoine, T., Marie, L., Mboujda, F., Vigouroux, Y., Johnson, V., Vinceti, B., Carrière, S. M., & Duminil, J. (2021). Trees and their seed networks : The social dynamics of urban fruit trees and implications for genetic diversity. PloS One, 16(3), 13 p. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0243017



Journal papers

Awada, R., Verdier, D., Froger, S., Brulard, E., de Faria Maraschin, S., Etienne, H., & Breton, D. (2020). An innovative automated active compound screening system allows high-throughput optimization of somatic embryogenesis in Coffea arabica. Scientific Reports, 10, 14 p. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-57800-6

Breitler, J.-C., Djerrab, D., Leran, S., Toniutti, L., Guittin, C., Severac, D., Pratlong, M., Dereeper, A., Etienne, H., & Bertrand, B. (2020). Full moonlight-induced circadian clock entrainment in Coffea arabica. BMC Plant Biology, 20, 11 p. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-020-2238-4

Couttolenc-Brenis, E., Carrion, G., Villain, L., Ortega-Escalona, F., Ramírez-Martínez, D., Mata-Rosas, M., & Méndez-Bravo, A. (2020). Prehaustorial local resistance to coffee leaf rust in a Mexican cultivar involves expression of salicylic acid-responsive genes. PeerJ, 8, 21 p. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.8345

Debladis, E., Lee, T.-F., Huang, Y.-J., Lu, J.-H., Mathioni, S. M., Carpentier, M.-C., Llauro, C., Pierron, D., Mieulet, D., Guiderdoni, E., Chen, P.-Y., Meyers, B. C., Panaud, O., & Lasserre, E. (2020). Construction and characterization of a knock-down RNA interference line of OsNRPD1 in rice (Oryza sativa ssp japonica cv Nipponbare). Philosophical Transactions B. Biological Sciences, 375(1795), 10 p. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2019.0338

Duangsodsri, T., Villain, L., Vestalys, I. R., Michalet, S., Abdallah, C., Breitler, J.-C., Bordeaux, M., Villegas, A. M., Raherimandimby, M., Legendre, L., Etienne, H., Bertrand, B., & Campa, C. (2020). 5-CQA and mangiferin, two leaf biomarkers of adaptation to full sun or shade conditions in Coffea arabica L. Metabolites, 10(10), 22 p. https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo10100383

Duong, B., Marraccini, P., Maeght, J.-L., Vaast, P., Lebrun, M., & Duponnois, R. (2020). Coffee microbiota and its potential use in sustainable crop management. A review. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, 31 p. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2020.607935

Duong, B., Nguyen, H. X., Phan, H. V., Colella, S., Trinh, P. Q., Hoang, G. T., Nguyen, T. T., Marraccini, P., Lebrun, M., & Duponnois, R. (2021). Identification and characterization of Vietnamese coffee bacterial endophytes displaying in vitro antifungal and nematicidal activities. Microbiological Research, 242, 126613. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micres.2020.126613

Good Kitzberger, C. S., Pot, D., Marraccini, P., Protasio Pereira, L. F., & Dos Santos Scholz, M. B. (2020). Flavor precursors and sensory attributes of coffee submitted to different post-harvest processing. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 5(4), 700‑714. https://doi.org/10.3934/agrfood.2020.4.700

Lamelas, A., Desgarennes, D., Lopez-Lima, D., Villain, L., Alonso-Sanchez, A. G., Artacho, A., Latorre, A., Moya, A., & Carrion, G. (2020). The bacterial microbiome of Meloidogyne-based disease complex in coffee and tomato. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 13 p. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.00136

Leran, S., Noguero, M., Corratgé-Faillie, C., Boursiac, Y., Brachet, C., & Lacombe, B. (2020). Functional characterization of the arabidopsis abscisic acid transporters NPF4.5 and NPF4.6 in xenopus oocytes. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 6 p. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.00144

Marie, L., Abdallah, C., Campa, C., Courtel, P., Bordeaux, M., Navarini, L., Lonzarich, V., Skovmand Bosselmann, A., Turreira-Garcia, N., Alpizar, E., Georget, F., Breitler, J.-C., Etienne, H., & Bertrand, B. (2020). G x E interactions on yield and quality in Coffea arabica : New F1 hybrids outperform American cultivars. Euphytica, 216, 17 p. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-020-02608-8

Portaluri, V., Thomas, F., Guyader, S., Jamin, E., Bertrand, B., Remaud, G. S., Schievano, E., Mammi, S., Guercia, E., & Navarini, L. (2020). Limited genotypic and geographic variability of 16-O-methylated diterpene content in Coffea arabica green beans. Food Chemistry, 329, 7 p. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127129

Pruvot-Woehl, S., Krishnan, S., Solano, W., Schilling, T., Toniutti, L., Bertrand, B., & Montagnon, C. (2020). Authentication of Coffea arabica varieties through DNA fingerprinting and its significance for the coffee sector. Journal of AOAC International, 103(2), 325‑334. https://doi.org/10.1093/jaocint/qsz003

Roy, L., Taudière, A., Papaïx, J., Blatrix, R., Chiron, G., Zriki, G., Bonato, O., & Barnagaud, J. (2020). Evaluating the link between predation and pest control services in the mite world. Ecology and Evolution, 10(18), 9968‑9980. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.6655

Scalabrin, S., Toniutti, L., Di Gaspero, G., Scaglione, D., Magris, G., Vidotto, M., Pinosio, S., Cattonaro, F., Magni, F., Jurman, I., Cerutti, M., Suggi Liverani, F., Navarini, L., Del Terra, L., Pellegrino, G., Ruosi, M. R., Vitulo, N., Valle, G., Pallavicini, A., Graziosi, G., Klein, P. E., Bentley, N., Murray, S. C., Solano, W., Al Hakimi, A., Schilling, T., Montagnon, C., Morgante, M., & Bertrand, B. (2020). A single polyploidization event at the origin of the tetraploid genome of Coffea arabica is responsible for the extremely low genetic variation in wild and cultivated germplasm. Scientific Reports, 10, 13 p. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-61216-7

Book chapters

Carrión Villarnovo, G. L., Williams, T., Mercado Vidal León, G., Valenzuela González, J. E., & Villain, L. (2020). Implemento de un manejo integrado de plagas y enfermedades en cafetales de la Zona Centro del Estado de Veracruz. In D. P. G. (ed. ) López Morgado Rosalío (ed.) (Éd.), Diagnóstico, productividad y ambiente en cafetales : Estudios regionales y de caso (Agritrop : 598583; p. 333‑360). INIFAP.

Marraccini, P. (2020). Gene expression in coffee. In L. U. (ed. ) Cánovas F.M. (ed.) Risueño MC. (ed. ), Pretzsch H. (ed. ). (Éd.), Progress in botany (Agritrop : 597352; 1‑82, p. 43‑111). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/124_2020_42

Meynard, D., Vernet, A., Meunier, A. C., Mieulet, D., Bes, M., Portefaix, M., Breitler, J.-C., Périn, C., & Guiderdoni, E. (2020). Thirty years of genome engineering in rice : From gene addition to gene editing. In Roberts Jeremy (ed.) (Éd.), Annual plant reviews online (Agritrop : 595666; 1‑3, p. 1‑76). John Wiley & Sons. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119312994.apr0662



Journal papers

Awada, R., Campa, C., Gibault, E., Dechamp, E., Georget, F., Lepelley, M., Abdallah, C., Erban, A., Martinez-Seidel, F., Kopka, J., Legendre, L., Leran, S., Conejero, G., Verdeil, J.-L., Crouzillat, D., Breton, D., Bertrand, B., & Etienne, H. (2019). Unravelling the metabolic and hormonal machinery during key steps of somatic embryogenesis : A case study in coffee. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(19), 29 p. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms20194665

Duarte, K. E., de Souza, W. R., Ribeiro Santiago, T., Leite Sampaio, B., Ribeiro, A. P., Guitton Cotta, M., Andrade Dias Brito da Cunha, B., Marraccini, P., Kobayashi, A. K., & Molinari, H. B. C. (2019). Identification and characterization of core abscisic acid (ABA) signaling components and their gene expression profile in response to abiotic stresses in Setaria viridis. Scientific Reports, 9, 16 p. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-40623-5

El Mahi, H., Pérez-Hormaeche, J., De Luca, A., Villalta Alonso, I., Espartero, J., Gámez-Arjona, F., Fernández, J. L., Bundó, M., Mendoza, I., Mieulet, D., Lalanne, E., Lee, S.-Y., Yun, D.-J., Guiderdoni, E., Aguilar, M., Leidi, E. O., Pardo, J. M., & Quintero, F. J. (2019). A critical role of sodium flux via the plasma Membrane Na+/H+ exchanger SOS1 in the salt tolerance of rice. Plant Physiology, 180(2), 1046‑1065. https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.19.00324

Fayos, I., Mieulet, D., Petit, J., Meunier, A. C., Périn, C., Nicolas, A., & Guiderdoni, E. (2019). Engineering meiotic recombination pathways in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 17(11), 2062‑2077. https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13189

Ferreira Torres, L., Reichel, T., Dechamp, E., De Aquino Oliveira, S., Duarte, K. E., Costa Alves, G. S., Tadeu Silva, A., Guitton Cotta, M., Santos Costa, T., Cardamone Diniz, L. E., Breitler, J.-C., Collin, M., Vilela Paiva, L., Carvalho Andrade, A., Etienne, H., & Marraccini, P. (2019). Expression of DREB-like genes in Coffea canephora and C. arabica subjected to various types of abiotic stress. Tropical Plant Biology, 12(2), 98‑116. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12042-019-09223-5

Georget, F., Marie, L., Alpizar, E., Courtel, P., Bordeaux, M., Hidalgo, M., Marraccini, P., Breitler, J.-C., Dechamp, E., Poncon, C., Etienne, H., & Bertrand, B. (2019). Starmaya : The first arabica F1 coffee hybrid produced using genetic male sterility. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, 13 p. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2019.01344

López-Lima, D., Carrion, G., Sánchez, P., Desgarennes, D., & Villain, L. (2019). Fungal diversity and Fusarium oxysporum pathogenicity associated with coffee corky-root disease in Mexico. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, 52.

Lorenzo, M. E., Bao, L., Mendez, L., Grille, G., Bonato, O., & Basso, C. (2019). Effect of Two Oviposition Feeding Substrates on Orius insidiosus and Orius tristicolor (Hemiptera : Anthocoridae). Florida Entomologist, 102(2), 395. https://doi.org/10.1653/024.102.0216

Medina-Sauza, R. M., Álvarez-Jiménez, M., Delhal, A., Reverchon, F., Blouin, M., Guerrero-Analco, J. A., Cerdan, C., Guevara, R., Villain, L., & Barois, I. (2019). Earthworms building up soil microbiota, a review. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7, 20 p. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2019.00081

Toniutti, L., Breitler, J.-C., Guittin, C., Doulbeau, S., Etienne, H., Campa, C., Lambot, C., Herrera Pinilla, J.-C., & Bertrand, B. (2019). An altered circadian clock coupled with a higher photosynthesis efficiency could explain the better agronomic performance of a new coffee clone when compared with a standard variety. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(3), 19 p. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms20030736

Book chapters

Bertrand, B., Breitler, J.-C., Georget, F., Penot, E., Bordeaux, M., Marraccini, P., Leran, S., Campa, C., Bonato, O., Villain, L., & Etienne, H. (2019). New varieties for innovative agroforestry coffee systems. In P.-M. E. (ed. ) Côte François-Xavier (ed.) Perret Sylvain (ed. ), Roudier Philippe (ed. ), Bruno Rapidel (ed. ), Thirion Marie-Cécile (ed. ). (Éd.), The agroecological transition of agricultural systems in the Global South (Agritrop : 592997; p. 161‑176). Ed. Quae. https://www.quae-open.com/produit/114/9782759230570/the-agroecological-transition-of-agricultural-systems-in-the-global-south



Journal papers

Alves, G. S. C., Torres, L. F., De Aquino, S. O., Reichel, T., Freire, L. P., Vieira, N. G., Vinecky, F., This, D., Pot, D., Etienne, H., Paiva, L. V., Marraccini, P., & Andrade, A. C. (2018). Nucleotide Diversity of the Coding and Promoter Regions of DREB1D, a Candidate Gene for Drought Tolerance in Coffea Species. Tropical Plant Biology, 11(1‑2), 31‑48. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12042-018-9199-x

Aribi, J., Ribière, W., Villain, L., & Anthony, F. (2018). Screening of wild coffee (Coffea spp.) for resistance to Meloidogyne incognita race 1. Nematropica, 48(1), 5‑14. http://journals.fcla.edu/nematropica/article/view/106920

Bonato, O., & Chadoeuf, J. (2018). Arthropods life cycle and temperature : Beyond isomorphy hypothesis. Journal of Thermal Biology, 75, 1‑6. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtherbio.2018.05.004

Breitler, J.-C., Dechamp, E., Campa, C., Rodrigues, L. A. Z., Guyot, R., Marraccini, P., & Etienne, H. (2018). CRISPR/Cas9-mediated efficient targeted mutagenesis has the potential to accelerate the domestication of Coffea canephora. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 134(3), 383‑394. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11240-018-1429-2

Costa Alves, G. S., Ferreira Torres, L., De Aquino Oliveira, S., Reichel, T., Freire, L. P., Gomes Vieira, N., Vinecky, F., This, D., Pot, D., Etienne, H., Vilela Paiva, L., Marraccini, P., & Carvalho Andrade, A. (2018). Nucleotide diversity of the coding and promoter Regions of DREB1D, a candidate gene for drought tolerance in Coffea Species. Tropical Plant Biology, 11(1‑2), 31‑48. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12042-018-9199-x

De Aquino, S. O., De Araújo Carneiro, F., Rêgo, E. C. S., Alves, G. S. C., Andrade, A. C., & Marraccini, P. (2018). Functional analysis of different promoter haplotypes of the coffee (Coffea canephora) CcDREB1D gene through genetic transformation of Nicotiana tabacum. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 132(2), 279‑294. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11240-017-1328-y

De Castro Nunes, R., Orozco-Arias, S., Crouzillat, D., Mueller, L. A., Strickler, S. R., Descombes, P., Fournier, C., Moine, D., De Kochko, A., Yuyama, P. M., Vanzela, A. L. L., & Guyot, R. (2018). Structure and Distribution of Centromeric Retrotransposons at Diploid and Allotetraploid Coffea Centromeric and Pericentromeric Regions. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 175. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2018.00175

Dussert, S., Serret, J., Bastos-Siqueira, A., Morcillo, F., Dechamp, E., Rofidal, V., Lashermes, P., Etienne, H., & Joët, T. (2018). Integrative analysis of the late maturation programme and desiccation tolerance mechanisms in intermediate coffee seeds. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69(7), 1583‑1597. https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erx492

Echeverria-Beirute, F., Murray, S. C., Klein, P., Kerth, C., Miller, R., & Bertrand, B. (2018). Rust and Thinning Management Effect on Cup Quality and Plant Performance for Two Cultivars of Coffea arabica L. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66(21), 5281‑5292. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.7b03180

Etienne, H., Breton, D., Breitler, J.-C., Bertrand, B., Dechamp, E., Awada, R., Marraccini, P., Leran, S., Alpizar, E., Campa, C., Courtel, P., Georget, F., & Ducos, J.-P. (2018). Coffee somatic embryogenesis : How did research, experience gained and innovations promote the commercial propagation of elite clones from the two cultivated species. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 21p. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2018.01630

Hermoso Gallardo, L., Suárez-Villasmil, L., Etienne, H., Bertrand, B., Barry-Etienne, D., & Menendez-Yuffa, A. (2018). Semejanza entre el crecimiento en vivero de cafetos (Coffea arabica L.) obtenidos por embriogénesis somática y por semillas. Revista Biodiversidad Neotropical, 8(3), 11 p. https://doi.org/10.18636/bioneotropical.v8i2.356

Koala, M., Sérémé, D., Vignols, F., Lacombe, E., Bantgratz, M., Neya, B. J., Brugidou, C., Barro, N., & Traoré, O. (2018). Molecular Variability and Genetic Structure of IYMV in Burkina Faso. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 09(02), 311‑324. https://doi.org/10.4236/ajps.2018.92025

Lopez-Lima, D., Carrion, G., Sanchez-Nava, P., Desgarennes, D., & Villain, L. (2018). Fungal diversity and Fusarium oxysporum pathogenicity associated with coffee corky-root disease in Mexico. Revista de La Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 52(1), 276‑292. http://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/RFCA/article/view/3075

Orozco-Arias, S., Liu, J., Tabares-Soto, R., Ceballos, D., Silva Domingues, D., Garavito, A., Ming, R., & Guyot, R. (2018). Inpactor, Integrated and Parallel Analyzer and Classifier of LTR Retrotransposons and Its Application for Pineapple LTR Retrotransposons Diversity and Dynamics. Biology, 7(2), 32. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology7020032

Sant’Ana, G. C., Pereira, L. F. P., Pot, D., Ivamoto, S. T., Domingues, D. S., Ferreira, R. V., Pagiatto, N. F., Da Silva, B. S. R., Nogueira, L. M., Kitzberger, C. S. G., Scholz, M. B. S., De Oliveira, F. F., Sera, G. H., Padilha, L., Labouisse, J.-P., Guyot, R., Charmetant, P., & Leroy, T. (2018). Genome-wide association study reveals candidate genes influencing lipids and diterpenes contents in Coffea arabica L. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 465. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-18800-1

Book chapters

Bertrand, B., Breitler, J.-C., Georget, F., Penot, E., Bordeaux, M., Marraccini, P., Leran, S., Campa, C., Bonato, O., Villain, L., & Etienne, H. (2018). De nouvelles variétés pour des systèmes caféiers agroforestiers innovants. In P.-M. E. (ed. ) Côte François-Xavier (ed.) Perret Sylvain (ed. ), Roudier Philippe (ed. ), Bruno Rapidel (ed. ), Thirion Marie-Cécile (ed. ). (Éd.), La transition agro-écologique des agricultures du Sud (Agritrop : 590491; p. 231‑256). Ed. Quae. https://www.quae.com/produit/1546/9782759228232/la-transition-agro-ecologique-des-agricultures-du-sud

Campa, C., Petitvallet, A., & Wize Monkey, Canada. (2018). Beneficial compounds from coffee leaves. In Institut de Recherche  pour le Développement (IRD), France & P. Lashermes (Éds.), Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science (p. 237‑258). Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. https://doi.org/10.19103/AS.2017.0022.13

Villain, L., Lima Salgada, S. M., & Trinh, P. Q. (2018). Nematode parasites of coffee and cocoa. In C. D. (ed. ) Sikora Richard A. (ed.) Hallmann Johannes (ed. ), Timper Patricia (ed. ). (Éd.), Plant parasitic nematodes in subtropical and tropical agriculture (Agritrop : 589404; 3rd ed., p. 536‑583). CABI.



Journal papers

Campa, C., Urban, L., Mondolot, L., Fabre, D., Roques, S., Lizzi, Y., Aarrouf, J., Doulbeau, S., Breitler, J.-C., Letrez, C., Toniutti, L., Bertrand, B., La Fisca, P., Bidel, L. P. R., & Etienne, H. (2017). Juvenile coffee leaves acclimated to low light are unable to cope with a moderate light increase. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8, 16 p. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.01126

Costa Alves, G. S., Ferreira Torres, L., Dechamp, E., Breitler, J.-C., Joët, T., Gatineau, F., Carvalho Andrade, A., Bertrand, B., Marraccini, P., & Etienne, H. (2017). Differential fine-tuning of gene expression regulation in coffee leaves by CcDREB1D promoter haplotypes under water deficit. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68(11), 3017‑3031. https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erx166

De Aquino Oliveira, S., De Araújo Carneiro, F., Silva Rêgo, E. C., Costa Alves, G. S., Carvalho Andrade, A., & Marraccini, P. (2017). Functional analysis of different promoter haplotypes of the coffee (Coffea canephora) CcDREB1D gene through genetic transformation of Nicotiana tabacum. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 132(2), 279‑294. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11240-017-1328-y

Dupeyron, M., De Souza, R. F., Hamon, P., De Kochko, A., Crouzillat, D., Couturon, E., Domingues, D. S., & Guyot, R. (2017). Distribution of Divo in Coffea genomes, a poorly described family of angiosperm LTR-Retrotransposons. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 292(4), 741‑754. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00438-017-1308-2

Echeverria-Beirute, F., Murray, S. C., Klein, P. E., Kerth, C., Miller, R., & Bertrand, B. (2017). Rust and thinning management effect on cup quality and plant performance for two cultivars of Coffea arabica L. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66(21), 5281‑5292. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.7b03180

Georget, F., Courtel, P., Garcia, E. M., Hidalgo, M., Alpizar, E., Breitler, J.-C., Bertrand, B., & Etienne, H. (2017). Somatic embryogenesis-derived coffee plantlets can be efficiently propagated by horticultural rooted mini-cuttings : A boost for somatic embryogenesis. Scientia Horticulturae, 216, 177‑185. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2016.12.017

Kadidia, K., Fidele, B. N., Nelson, O., Yves, B., Claudine, C., & Philippe, S. (2017). Phytochemical analysis of Ziziphus mucronata Willd. Extract and screening for antifungal activity against peanut pathogens. African Journal of Plant Science, 11(11), 394‑402. https://doi.org/10.5897/AJPS2017.1600

Koïta, K., Baissac, Y., Sanon, E., Campa, C., & Sankara, P. (2017). Phenolics from Lippia multiflora Moldenke as potential bioactive agents against peanut pathogens. Agricultural Science Research Journal, Vol. 7(9), 267‑276.

Roy, L., El Adouzi, M., Moraza, M. L., Chiron, G., Villeneuve De Janti, E., Le Peutrec, G., & Bonato, O. (2017). Arthropod communities of laying hen houses : An integrative pilot study toward conservation biocontrol of the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae. Biological Control, 114, 176‑194. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocontrol.2017.08.006

Toniutti, L., Breitler, J.-C., Etienne, H., Campa, C., Doulbeau, S., Urban, L., Lambot, C., Pinilla, J.-C. H., & Bertrand, B. (2017). Influence of environmental conditions and genetic background of Arabica coffee (C. arabica L) on leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) pathogenesis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8, 12 p. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.02025

Book chapters

Lambot, C., Herrera, J. C., Bertrand, B., Sadeghian, S., Benavides, P., & Gaitan, A. (2017). Cultivating coffee quality—Terroir and agro-ecosystem. In B. (ed. ) Folmer (Éd.), The craft and science of coffee (Agritrop : 595763; p. 17‑49). Academic Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-803520-7.00002-5



Journal papers

Breitler, J.-C., Campa, C., Georget, F., Bertrand, B., & Etienne, H. (2016). A single-step method for RNA isolation from tropical crops in the field. Scientific Reports, 6(38368), 6 p. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep38368

COUTURON, E., RAHARIMALALA, N. E., RAKOTOMALALA, J. J., HAMON, S., KOCHKO, A. D., GUYOT, R., & HAMON, P. (2016). Wild coffee-trees : A threatened treasure in the heart of tropical forests ! Caféiers sauvages : un trésor en péril au cœur des forêts tropicales ! https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.3610.5200/1

El Adouzi, M., Bonato, O., & Roy, L. (2017). Detecting pyrethroid resistance in predatory mites inhabiting soil and litter : An in vitro test. Pest Management Science, 73(6), 1258‑1266. https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.4454

Etienne, H., Bertrand, B., Dechamp, E., Maurel, P., Georget, F., Guyot, R., & Breitler, J.-C. (2016). Are genetics and epigenetic instabilities of plant embryogenic cells a fatality ? The experience of coffee somatic embryogenesis. Human Genetics and Embryology, 6(136), 5 p. https://doi.org/10.4172/2161-0436.1000136

Garavito, A., Montagnon, C., Guyot, R., & Bertrand, B. (2016). Identification by the DArTseq method of the genetic origin of the Coffea canephora cultivated in Vietnam and Mexico. BMC Plant Biology, 16(242), 12 p. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-016-0933-y

Guyot, R., Darré, T., Dupeyron, M., De Kochko, A., Hamon, S., Couturon, E., Crouzillat, D., Rigoreau, M., Rakotomalala, J.-J., Raharimalala, N. E., Akaffou, S. D., & Hamon, P. (2016). Partial sequencing reveals the transposable element composition of Coffea genomes and provides evidence for distinct evolutionary stories. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 291(5), 1979‑1990. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00438-016-1235-7

Lorenzo, M. E., Grille, G., Basso, C., & Bonato, O. (2016). Host preferences and biotic potential of Trialeurodes vaporariorum and Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera : Aleyrodidae) in tomato and pepper. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 10(4), 293‑301. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11829-016-9434-z

Ming, R., Wai, C. M., & Guyot, R. (2016). Pineapple Genome : A Reference for Monocots and CAM Photosynthesis. Trends in Genetics, 32(11), 690‑696. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tig.2016.08.008

Rocha, D. M., Marques, A., Andrade, C. G. T. J., Guyot, R., Chaluvadi, S. R., Pedrosa-Harand, A., Houben, A., Bennetzen, J. L., & Vanzela, A. L. L. (2016). Developmental programmed cell death during asymmetric microsporogenesis in holocentric species of Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae). Journal of Experimental Botany, 67(18), 5391‑5401. https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erw300

Roncal, J., Guyot, R., Hamon, P., Crouzillat, D., Rigoreau, M., Konan, O. N., Rakotomalala, J.-J., Nowak, M. D., Davis, A. P., & De Kochko, A. (2016). Active transposable elements recover species boundaries and geographic structure in Madagascan coffee species. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 291(1), 155‑168. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00438-015-1098-3

Roy, L., Bon, M., Cesarini, C., Serin, J., & Bonato, O. (2016). Pinpointing the level of isolation between two cryptic species sharing the same microhabitat : A case study with a scarabaeid species complex. Zoologica Scripta, 45(4), 407‑420. https://doi.org/10.1111/zsc.12166

Souto Mofatto, L., De Araújo Carneiro, F., Gomes Vieira, N., Duarte, K. E., Vidal, R. O., Alekcevetch, J. C., Guitton Cotta, M., Verdeil, J.-L., Lapeyre-Montes, F., Lartaud, M., Leroy, T., De Bellis, F., Pot, D., Costa Rodrigues, G., Falsarella Carazzolle, M., Guimarães Pereira, G. A., Carvalho Andrade, A., & Marraccini, P. (2016). Identification of candidate genes for drought tolerance in coffee by high-throughput sequencing in the shoot apex of different Coffea arabica cultivars. BMC Plant Biology, 16(94), 18 p. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-016-0777-5

Vinecky, F., Davrieux, F., Mera, A. C., Alves, G. S. C., Lavagnini, G. V., Leroy, T., Bonnot, F., Rocha, O. C., Bartholo, G. F., Guerra, A. F., Rodrigues, G. C., Marraccini, P., & Andrade, A. C. (2016). Controlled irrigation and nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium fertilization affect the biochemical composition and quality of Arabica coffee beans. Journal of Agricultural Science, 155(6), 902‑918. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021859616000988

Book chapters

Bertrand, B., Marraccini, P., Villain, L., Breitler, J.-C., & Etienne, H. (2016). Healthy tropical plants to mitigate the impact of climate change—As exemplified in coffee. In M. D. (trad. ) Torquebiau Emmanuel (ed.) Cowan Paul (trad. ). (Éd.), Climate change and agriculture worldwide (Agritrop : 578422; p. 83‑95). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-7462-8_7

Clavel, D., Bazile, D., Bertrand, B., Sounigo, O., Vom Brocke, K., & Trouche, G. (2016). Biodiversidad agrícola y sistemas campesinos de producción de semillas. In Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.) (Éd.), Las agriculturas familiares y los mundos del futuro (Agritrop : 583962; p. 331‑350). IICA.

Etienne, H., Guyot, R., Beulé, T., Breitler, J.-C., & Jaligot, E. (2016). Plant fidelity in somatic embryogenesis-regenerated plants. In O.-A. N. (ed. ) M Loyola-Vargas Victor (ed.) (Éd.), Somatic embryogenesis : Fundamental aspects and applications (Agritrop : 581502; p. 121‑150). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-33705-0_8



Journal papers

Bertrand, B., Bardil, A., Baraille, H., Dussert, S., Doulbeau, S., Dubois, E., Severac, D., Dereeper, A., & Etienne, H. (2015). The greater phenotypic homeostasis of the allopolyploid Coffea arabica improved the transcriptional homeostasis over that of both diploid parents. Plant and Cell Physiology, 56(10), 2035‑2051. https://doi.org/10.1093/pcp/pcv117

Beulé, T., Agbessi, M. D., Dussert, S., Jaligot, E., & Guyot, R. (2015). Genome-wide analysis of LTR-retrotransposons in oil palm. BMC Genomics, 16(1), 795. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-015-2023-1

Bobadilla Landey, R., Cenci, A., Guyot, R., Bertrand, B., Georget, F., Dechamp, E., Herrera, J. C., Aribi, J., Lashermes, P., & Etienne, H. (2015). Assessment of genetic and epigenetic changes during cell culture ageing and relations with somaclonal variation in Coffea arabica. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 122(3), 517‑531.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11240-015-0772-9

Chaparro, C., Gayraud, T., De Souza, R. F., Domingues, D. S., Akaffou, S., Laforga Vanzela, A. L., Kochko, A. D., Rigoreau, M., Crouzillat, D., Hamon, S., Hamon, P., & Guyot, R. (2015). Terminal-Repeat Retrotransposons with GAG Domain in Plant Genomes : A New Testimony on the Complex World of Transposable Elements. Genome Biology and Evolution, 7(2), 493‑504. https://doi.org/10.1093/gbe/evv001

Dias, E. S., Hatt, C., Hamon, S., Hamon, P., Rigoreau, M., Crouzillat, D., Carareto, C. M. A., De Kochko, A., & Guyot, R. (2015). Large distribution and high sequence identity of a Copia-type retrotransposon in angiosperm families. Plant Molecular Biology, 89(1‑2), 83‑97. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11103-015-0352-8

Gnigouan, K. G. R. A., Kouam Eacute, K. K., Sifolo, S. C., Bi, N. D. F., Jean Pierre, B., Campa, C., & Bi, I. E. A. Z. (2015). Influence of herbivorous insects on the production of Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standley (Cucurbitaceae). African Journal of Plant Science, 9(11), 449‑456. https://doi.org/10.5897/AJPS2015.1316

Lopez-Lima, D., Sanchez-Nava, P., Carrion, G., Espinosa de los Monteros, A., & Villain, L. (2015). Corky-root symptoms for coffee in central Veracruz are linked to the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne paranaensis, a new report for Mexico. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 141(3), 623‑629.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-014-0564-9

Ming, R., VanBuren, R., Wai, C. M., Tang, H., Schatz, M. C., Bowers, J. E., Lyons, E., Wang, M.-L., Chen, J., Biggers, E., Zhang, J., Huang, L., Zhang, L., Miao, W., Zhang, J., Ye, Z., Miao, C., Lin, Z., Wang, H., Zhou, H., Yim, W. C., Priest, H. D., Zheng, C., Woodhouse, M., Edger, P. P., Guyot, R., Guo, H.-B., Guo, H., Zheng, G., Singh, R., Sharma, A., Min, X., Zheng, Y., Lee, H., Gurtowski, J., Sedlazeck, F. J., Harkess, A., McKain, M. R., Liao, Z., Fang, J., Liu, J., Zhang, X., Zhang, Q., Hu, W., Qin, Y., Wang, K., Chen, L.-Y., Shirley, N., Lin, Y.-R., Liu, L.-Y., Hernandez, A. G., Wright, C. L., Bulone, V., Tuskan, G. A., Heath, K., Zee, F., Moore, P. H., Sunkar, R., Leebens-Mack, J. H., Mockler, T., Bennetzen, J. L., Freeling, M., Sankoff, D., Paterson, A. H., Zhu, X., Yang, X., Smith, J. A. C., Cushman, J. C., Paull, R. E., & Yu, Q. (2015). The pineapple genome and the evolution of CAM photosynthesis. Nature Genetics, 47(12), 1435‑1442. https://doi.org/10.1038/ng.3435

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van der Vossen, H., Bertrand, B., & Charrier, A. (2015). Next generation variety development for sustainable production of arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) : A review. Euphytica, 204(2), 243‑256. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-015-1398-z

Book chapters

Bertrand, B., Marraccini, P., Villain, L., Breitler, J.-C., & Etienne, H. (2015). La bonne santé des plantes tropicales pour atténuer les effets du changement climatique : L’exemple du caféier. In Torquebiau Emmanuel (ed.) (Éd.), Changement climatique et agricultures du monde (Agritrop : 575564; p. 84‑95). Ed. Quae.

Clavel, D., Bazile, D., Bertrand, B., Sounigo, O., Vom Brocke, K., & Trouche, G. (2015). Agricultural biodiversity and rural systems of seed production. In Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.) (Éd.), Family farming and the Worlds to come (Agritrop : 574872; p. 285‑300). Springer [Pays-Bas]; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-9358-2_17

Dechamp, E., Breitler, J.-C., Leroy, T., & Etienne, H. (2015). Coffee (Coffea arabica L.). In Wang Kan  (ed.) (Éd.), Agrobacterium Protocols : Volume 2 (Agritrop : 577283; 3rd ed, 1‑1224, p. 275‑291). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-1658-0_22

Rivillas, C. A., Villain, L., & Bertrand, B. (2015). Diseases caused by nematodes. In M. A. C. (ed. ) Alvaro L. Gaitán  (ed.) Bertha L. Castro Caicedo (ed. ), Carlos A. Rivillas (ed. ), Gabriel Cadena Gómez (ed. ). (Éd.), Compendium of Coffee Diseases and Pests (Agritrop : 576350; p. 37‑42). The American Phytopathological Society.