DIversité - Adaptation - DEveloppement des plantes

Permanent members

  • Adeline Barnaud, researcher - Crop diversity and evolution - Team co-leader

  • Anne Céline Thuillet, researcher - Crop diversity and knowledge dissemination

  • Cécile Berthouly-Salazar, researcher - Pearl millet phylogeography and adaptation - Team co-leader

  • Cédric Mariac, research associate - Molecular Biology

  • Christine Tranchant-Dubreuil, research associate - Genome Evolution and pangenome within the African Rice

  • François Sabot, researcher - Genome structure and genome ecology

  • Jean-Louis Pham, researcher - Crop diversity and conservation

  • Jérôme Duminil, researcher - Domestication history of tropical fruit tree species - Team leader

  • Jean-François Renno, researcher - Evolutionary history of plam

  • Leila Zekraoui, research associate - Located in Niger

  • Marie Couderc, technician - Molecular Biology

  • Mathias Lorieux, researcher - Rice genetics and genomics

  • Muriel Gros-Balthazard, researcher - Evolutionary history of date palm

  • Nora Scarcelli, researcher - Yam diversity and adaptation

  • Philippe Cubry, researcher - Crop diversity and domestication

  • Thomas Couvreur, researcher - Tropical rain forest evolution and biodiversity - located in Ecuador

  • Valérie Poncet, researcher - Tropical diversity and evolutionary biology

  • Yves Vigouroux, researcher - Plant evolutionary biology


Non-permanent membres

 PhD students

  • Aby Cissé

Subject: L'agrobiodiversité pour renforcer la résilience et réduire les risques faces aux changements climatiques

Superviseurs: SN Sall, C Berthouly, A Barnaud



  • Catherine Kiwuka

Subject: Study on the adaptability of Coffea canephora Pierre ex Frohener to climate change in Uganda

Superviseurs: N Anten, V Poncet

Funding: NARO (Ouganda) CLIMCOFFEA (Agropolis Fundation, Embrapa, CAPES)


Subject: Characterization of the pangenome variability and its role in domestication and adaptation in the African Rice

Superviseurs: Y Vigouroux, F Sabot

Funding: IRD


  • Clothilde Chenal

Subject: Mosquito pangenome and transposable elements

Superviseurs: F Sabot, F Simard

Funding: Ministère de la Recherche, France


  • Eldys Amoussou

Subject: Impact of climate change on several important non timber forest products (NFTP) across Africa

Superviseurs: T Couvreur, R Glèlè

Funding: SCAC, ARTS


  • Eloi Durant

Subject: Pangenome visualization methodologies

Superviseur: F Sabot

Funding: CIFRE Syngenta


Subject: Domestication syndrom of Dacryodes edulis: compared analysis of wild and domesticated populations in the Congo Basin

Superviseurs: J Duminil, ML Avana

Funding: SCAC / MOPGA


Subject: Genetic diversity of the emblematic food tree species Myristica fragrans, M. fatua and M. argentea (Indonesian Nutmegs): applications to genetic resources conservation and sustainable management

Superviseurs: J Duminil, P Gérard, N Scarcelli

Funding: LPDP


Subject: Phylogenetic patterns of tropical African biodiversity

Superviseur: T Couvreur

Funding: Ministère de la Recherche, France


  • Lison Zunino

Subject: Olivemed

Superviseurs: B Kadhari, P Cubry

Funding: Ministère de la Recherche, France


Subject: Caractérisation de la diversité génétique et de la structuration des populations du palmier rônier (Borassus aethiopum) en Afrique de l'Ouest. Reconstruction de l'histoire évolutive des espèces appartenant au genre Borassus.

Superviseurs: AZK Adeoti, T Couvreur

Funding: SEP2D, SCAC


  • Nguyet Dang

Subject: Development of AI methods for pangenomics on populational sequences data-driven

Superviseur: F Sabot

Funding: France Excellence


  • Sebastían Pablo Escobar Vasquez

Subject: Evolutionary dynamics, population genetics and dispersal ecology of Phytelephas aequatorialis

Superviseurs: T Couvreur, H Balslev, R Montufar



  • Suzanne Kamga Mogue

Subject: Socio-economic importance and taxonomy of the palm genus Raphia

Superviseurs: T Couvreur, B Sonké

Funding: SCAC, ARTS, Agropolis Fondation


  • Tram Bao Vi

Subject: Towards a sustainable use of Vietnamese Robusta diversity

Superviseurs: V Poncet, Y Vigouroux, G Khong Ngan

Funding: Ambassade, ARTS, MOST


Subject: MANNGIS - Ensuring the future of perennial crops in Southeast Asia in a context of global change: case of Garcinia fruit tree species

Superviseurs: J Duminil, N Saleh

Funding: Agropolis Fondation, SEARCA, UPM, ARTS


Former Post docs

  • Bénédicte Rhoné    Role of cis-regulation mutations in adaptation - Located in Villeurbanne (France)
  • Andrew Helmstetter Central AFrican Rain fOrests: past DYNamics and future resilience (projet AFRODYN)



  • Moussa Tidjani   Technician (Niger) - IRD
  • Djido Moussa    Technician (Niger) - IRD


Juin 2017

Research of the Dynadiv team
DYNADIV team publications
Team members
Permanent and temporary staff